Midnight Ping Pong
Well actually more like 1am - it all started last night at about midnight when my computer decided it no longer liked the internet, although it was connecting with very good signal strength, none of my programs would connect. Everyone was out but one other student on the floor and hers was working so she decided to hep me see if I was missing something... After a few tries to get things going we decided to take a break and go for a walk, in the dark, around this giant old house that houses classrooms and dorms. First we walked around the outside then we decided to follow the various staircases to see where they lead and check out some of the classrooms. One of them is in this neat little room with wood paneled walls, it appears to have once been a wine cellar possibly. After a few trips up and down the various staircases I think we found 3 ways to the laundry room, and at about 1am we stumbled on a beat up old ping pong table in the basement and decided to play ping pong for a while. I learned something too...I am bad at ping pong. We got back to our floor about 2am and I am not sure what I did but somehow I got my web to work again and I headed to bed at 2:30am..for another sleepless night.