Saturday, July 18, 2015

And the boys tent is missing the rain fly... This is why I wanted to set them up last week...

First night camping... Brand new tent... Thank goodness the emergency cat kit had duct tape...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sun Set from the house

even if it is hotter than the face of the sun out here most of the day...the sunset from the back patio is amazing!  My cell phone camera is not the best but you can still see how beautiful this sunset really is!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Fixing a flat

Teaching the boys how to change a flat...the dirt roads out here are horrible for car tires and alignments...the tire that we took off looked like it had been in the blender!  it was totally shredded.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Feeding the needy

This is the first shipment of food to arrive for tomorrow's second chance farmers market.  For just $3  donations people can take home 2-4 bags full of produce, frozen, refrigerated and packaged goods.
It takes a lot of work to put on this farmers market, and a lot of volunteers, which it seems there are never enough of here.  The community center serves 50-100 peoples almost a weeks worth of groceries almost every Friday.  The building also serves as a rental facility hosting weddings, parties, church services, study groups and other events.

The lush green landscape

the lawn is so beautiful and lush and green as you can see...this is what happens when living in the desert under drought conditions.  the cute little pool is to keep the doggies cool, although they just think it is a giant water dish and wont go in....  The clothes line there will dry clothes in under an hour on most no worry about fading it is dried and in faster than the dryer would do!
*Sorry it took so long to check in - i did not realize when i was sending the posts from my phone they were going to draft not publishing!